Diana Mishkova


Mishkova has a PhD in Modern History from Sofia University. She has been the  Academic Director of the Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia since 2000. In addition, Mishkova holds a Doctor Honoris Causa at Södertörn University in Stockholm, Sweden and is a Foreign Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. 

Among Mishkova’s areas of specialization are the modern and contemporary history of Eastern Europe, comparative history of European nationalism, modernization of Southeast-European societies and the European peripheries in the19th – 20th centuries, history of modern political ideas, European intellectual history, and conceptual history.

Selected publications

Mishkova, D. (2018) Beyond Balkanism. The Scholarly Politics of Region Making. New York: Routledge. 282pp.

Mishkova, D. and Trencsényi B. (eds.) (2017) European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History. London: Berghahn Books. 410pp.

Mishkova, D. et al. (eds.) (2014) Anti-Modernism – Radical Revisions of Collective Identity. Budapest-New York: CEU Press. 453pp.

Mishkova, D. (ed.) (2009) We, the People. Politics of National Peculiarity in Southeastern Europe. Budapest-New York: CEU Press. 392pp.