Group for Legal and Political Studies

Address: Rexhep Luci str. 16/1, 10 000, Prishtina, Kosovo


Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit public policy organization based in Prishtina, Kosovo. GLPS’s mission as a leading think-tank in Kosovo is to conduct credible policy research in the fields of politics, law and economics and to push forward policy solutions that address the failures and/or tackle the problems in the said policy fields.

Through advocating the policy solutions derived from our policy research, we aim to support four fundamental policy developments: to support the democratization of the polity with regard to institutional and substantive policy reform; to strengthen the rule-of-law capacity and performance via informed policy solutions and practical advocating strategies; to enhance the economic growth and development by promoting market strategies that increase the rate of growth and stability; and to help improve regional cooperation and Kosovo’s presence at the international level.

The organisation is dedicated to provide high-quality public policy research through prominent scholars drawn from international and European centres of excellence in research, while aiming to be globally competitive for our quality research and impact in the fields of political science, law and economics. The Group is part of several international initiatives and professional networks, such as: European Parties Elections and Referendums Network, Economic Freedom Network, Europe’s World, International Relations and Security Network, ETH Zurich, The Coalition for the International Criminal Court, and The Stockholm Network.
