Preventing violent extremism: the Middle East

Photo: hovic – old aleppo album/CC BY-SA 2.0.

Presented here are two recent PREVEX deliverables, a working paper on enabling environments, drivers, and occurrence/non-occurrence of violent extremism in the Middle East, and a policy brief summarizing lessons learnt on the EU’s prevention measures in the region (WP7).

D7.2 Working paper – ‘Enabling environments’, drivers and occurrence/non-occurrence of violent extremism in the Middle East
Based on in-depth fieldwork in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, this working paper analyzes four cases of the non-occurrence of violent extremism in the Middle East to further the understanding of enabling environments, community resilience, and the decisive moments pushing people to, or away from, violence.

D7.5 Policy brief – Summarizing lessons learnt on the EU’s measures to prevent violent extremism in the Middle East
Building on the aforementioned working paper, this policy brief takes a look at EU’s measures to prevent violent extremism in the region. The authors argue that the EU has moved towards a ‘security first’ centered PvE approach in the Middle East in the last decade and is correspondingly declining as a ‘normative’ power focusing on spreading and strengthening human rights, good governance, and
democracy. On this basis, it offers a number of policy recommendations.

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