PREVEX Workshop in Copenhagen

From left: Pernille Rieker, Gilad Ben-Nun, Sejla Pehlivanovic, Dilan Macchiarini Crosson, Morten Bøås, Kari Osland, Steven Blockmans, Luca Raineri, Morten Koch Andersen, Stéphane Lacroix, Henrik Erdman Vigh, Diana Mishkova, Ulf Engel, Colin Powers, and Simeon Evstatiev.

On 4-5 May 2022, PREVEX Work Package leaders and their closest associates at their respective institutes met for a two-day workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop was hosted by Professor Henrik Erdman Vigh (UCPH) and Postdoc Morten Koch Andersen (UCPH) at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.

On the agenda was a review of the working papers and policy brief deliverables from Work Packages 5, 6 and 7, an exchange on lessons learnt from work packages 4 and 8, and a discussion of the planned edited volume that will systematize the PREVEX knowledge base and lessons learned towards the end of the project. The importance of co-production of knowledge and synergies across the Consortium was strongly emphasized throughout the workshop, and we had some valuable and fruitful discussions on these matters. Towards the end of the two-day workshop, we concluded with our main outputs and set the objectives for the finalization of the PREVEX project’s deliverables.

We ended the two-day workshop with a photo in front of a cherry blossom tree in one of the University’s backyards. We look forward to our next meeting and to continue the discussions related to the project.

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